What Size Breast Implants Should I Choose? Advice From Our Patient, Didi

By Breast Implant Center of Hawaii

What Size Breast Implants Should I Choose? Advice From Our Patient, Didi

Didi had a breast implant exchange one year ago. Today, she visited us at the Breast Implant Center of Hawaii, in Kona to share her experience.

Didi had a breast augmentation 13 years before she saw us. Since then, she became a body builder. Two years ago, she competed in 2 competitions and this year, she competed in 6 physique competitions, including national levels and won them all!

We are grateful for her story and that she is willing to share her experience. Especially when it relates to breast implant size. We agree with her advice and LOVE her results. Congratulations Didi!

Everyone I’ve told to get them done, I’m like, go bigger than you think you want to go. Because you get them in there and then the swelling, and you’re like “Oh, I love them” and then the swelling goes down and you’re like “Oh, I wish I went bigger”. I would say 90 percent. There’s not many that I hear that are like, “Oh, perfect, their too big” never hear too big but I hear perfect or I wish I went bigger.

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