I’ve had very few surgeries in my life. So, I’ve been pretty crazy healthy so this was definitely a total, total departure from my regular life.
I felt like everything was explained very well to me pre-op. I felt like any questions that I had were answered and frankly a lot of the questions I had were just answered in the paperwork that they go over.
You know, do all the blood work here. “Cause I was worried about that. I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, am I going to have to find someone to do this for me. Just come to us and we’ll take care of you and answer any questions.
I felt as prepared as I could be. Still nervous, you know. I was nervous about, you know, what would the pain level be like? What would the recovery feel like? Honestly I was just so happy to be finally doing this. I’ll calm my fears and just go do it cause I can’t wait to get to the other side of it.
Well of course I woke up at the surgery center and I spent the night there. The first night. And my nurse was very sweet, did a great job, you know. My pain level never was that bad, you know. It always just felt like, like probably what it’s supposed to feel like this shouldn’t feel great because you just had a whole bunch of your stomach cut off. But it didn’t feel like, it didn’t feel as bad as I thought it possibly could.
I actually from the get go when I could see my stomach I was kind of like, this is really nice. This is gonna be really good. I could already tell pretty much that first moment waking up, this is going to be good. It is.
So that first night was fine. The nurse did a great job rotating me and everything. And then going home I had my, I had a little set up all ready for me there. So it was just straight into my electric recliner and just relaxed in there. And honestly in some respects it felt a little bit like a vacation ’cause I do have five kids and it was kind of nice to just be trapped in a chair. And my mom was there too so that helped a lot, you know.
I liked that right away, it was like, ‘Ok but you gotta come back. You can go home but you gotta come back. And then we’ll take the tubes out.’ So happy that everything came out a lot faster than like so many other reviewers. And stitches came out really fast too. So I just felt like, you know, healing wise everything actually happened fairly fast.
The only part that was a little frustrating was having to stay bent over for a longer period of time then I really wanted to. And then feeling like it took awhile to get all the way upright again. But, other than that, you know, I was just so happy with the way things were, I knew how it was going to be looking, like this is going to look really good. Looks a little sketch’ in the beginning. But I honestly don’t think I ever had a moment where I was like, I wish I hadn’t have done this. I feel like the whole time I was very glad that I did. Of course it’s benefitted by the fact that I didn’t have any infections, you know, everything healed very smoothly and just went along very well.
I had five babies, they were really big. Last guy was over ten pounds. I have like the worlds shortest torso so there was nowhere for them to go. I had stretch marks that went up high and now they were gonna be down low. There’s just no escaping it. You can’t literally turn back the clock. But he was honest and he’s like, ‘Look, you’re gonna have some of those stretch marks are gonna be at the bottom. I’m going to do the best I can to get this as low as possible and to get just as much of them gone as possible but that’s the reality.’
So I was like, “OK, thank you for being honest and I’m ok with that, you know.” It’s much better than saying, ‘You’re going to look amazing! Victoria’s Secret’s gonna be getting you’re phone number!’
It was another element of trust there. I’m going to tell you exactly what you can expect so you’re not surprised and your not disappointed. ‘Cause he doesn’t want you to be disappointed, he wants you to be happy. That’s important to him, I felt like you can tell that your happiness is very important to him.
I walked in here, I was a healthy mom of five. I could do most things that I wanted to do. Really the only thing that was lacking was I wanted to have the confidence in my body back. You could just like ice the cake ’cause everything else in my life is going good. I just want the icing. And I got it, I got the icing.